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1 Objavljeno
Present state of gastric cancer treatment in Slovenia and its prospect
Sedanje stanje zdravljenja raka želodca v Sloveniji in perspektive
2 Objavljeno
The prospect of effective help giving is in linking of services into a network and above all in human understanding and consideration among people, who collaborate and link up in a network.
Perspektiva učinkovitega dajanja pomoči je v povezovanju služb v mrežo, predvsem pa v razumevanju in upoštevanju med ljudmi, ki sodelujejo in se povezujejo v mrežo.
3 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
The Presidency shall ensure that a file is submitted to Coreper by a working party or by a committee only when there is reasonable prospect of progress or clarification of positions being achieved at that level.
Predsedstvo zagotovi, da delovna skupina ali odbor predloži zadevo Coreperju, le kadar je razumno pričakovati, da bo na tej ravni dosežen napredek ali razjasnitev stališč.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Z1-06-1442
Each Party undertakes to extend the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article to other species, in particular of the order of primates, as soon as there is a reasonable prospect of a sufficient supply of purpose bred animals of the species concerned.
Vsaka pogodbenica se zavezuje, da bo določbe prvega odstavka tega člena razširila na druge vrste, zlasti iz razreda primatov, kakor hitro se upravičeno obeta zadostna dobava namensko vzrejenih živali teh vrst.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
Each Party undertakes to extend the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article to other species, in particular of the order of primates, as soon as there is a reasonable prospect of a sufficient supply of purpose-bred animals of the species concerned.
Vsaka pogodbenica se zavezuje, da bo določbe odstavka 1 tega člena razširila na druge vrste, zlasti iz razreda primatov, kakor hitro se upravičeno obeta zadostna dobava namensko vzrejenih živali teh vrst.
6 Objavljeno
molecular hypotheses and pharmacotherapeutic prospects
molekularne hipoteze in poskusi farmakoterapije
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(2) The prospectus shall be a part of the timeshare contract.
(2) Prospekt je sestavni del pogodbe o časovnem zakupu.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(d) the development of methods of radioactive ore prospecting.
d) razvoj postopkov za iskanje radioaktivnih rud.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
(5) Account must be taken of the prospect that for a certain period after the Republic of Slovenia has become a Member State the SAPARD Agency may enter into contracts with beneficiaries. Provision needs to be made so that the requirements of these contracts reflect the change in status of the Republic of Slovenia;
(5) je treba upoštevati možnost, da bo Agencija SAPARD še nekaj časa po tem, ko bo Republika Slovenija postala država članica, lahko sklepala pogodbe z upravičenci. Poskrbeti je treba, da bodo zahteve v teh pogodbah odražale spremembo statusa Republike Slovenije;
10 Objavljeno
There were 301 patients with vertigo included in prospective study.
V prospektivno raziskavo smo zajeli 301 bolnika z vrtoglavico in ugotovili pri 26, to je 8,6 odst.,
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(7) The Administration shall not allow an air carrier against whom bankruptcy proceedings have been instituted because of insolvency or a similar procedure to retain its operating license if the competent body is convinced that there is no real prospect of satisfactory financial reorganisation within a reasonable time.
(7) Uprava ne dovoli, da bi letalski prevoznik, proti kateremu je uveden stečaj zaradi nesolventnosti ali podoben postopek, obdržal svojo operativno licenco, če je pristojni organ prepričan, da ni realnega izgleda za zadovoljivo finančno sanacijo v razumnem roku.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
(ii) improving the long-term prospects of rural economies by the creation of:
ii) izboljšati dolgoročne možnosti za kmetijstvo z oblikovanjem:
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Furthermore, they may discuss macroeconomic situations, policies and prospects.
Poleg tega lahko razpravljajo o makroekonomskih razmerah, politikah in možnostih.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
the exchange of information on the prospects of the mining and non-ferrous metals sectors;
izmenjavo informacij o razvoju v rudarskem sektorju in sektorju neželeznih kovin;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-80
The prospective sub-contractor shall meet the same security requirements as the contractor.
Morebitni podizvajalec izpolnjuje enake varnostne zahteve kot izvajalec.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
To this end, the Parties shall exchange information on macroeconomic performance and prospects.
V ta namen si pogodbenici izmenjujeta informacije o makroekonomskih dosežkih in perspektivah.
17 Objavljeno
Data were collected prospectivelly by using the Admission protocol for politraumatized patients.
Podatke smo zbirali prospektivno s pomočjo Sprejemnega protokola za politravmatizirane poškodovance.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 57
to this end adequate training opportunities, remuneration and career prospects shall be provided.
za to je treba zagotoviti primerne možnosti za usposabljanje, nagrajevanje in napredovanje v službi.
19 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
It is understood that the calculation of future trade prospects should be based on the greater of:
Razume se, da izračun za pričakovano trgovino temelji na tistem, kar je večje kot:
20 Objavljeno
The mean age of patients included in prospective study was 66 years and the median survival was 23.5 months.
Bolniki so bili v povprečju stari 66 let. Mediana preživetja je bila 23,5 meseca.
21 Objavljeno
In a three year prospective study frequency and sites of catheter infection and their role in sepsis were evaluated.
V triletni prospektivni študiji smo ugotavljali pogostnost in mesta naselitve bakterij na osrednjih venskih katetrih ter njihov vpliv na nastanek sepse.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(2) The contents of the timeshare contract must correspond to the description in the prospectus given to the consumer.
(2) Vsebina pogodbe o časovnem zakupu mora ustrezati besedilu prospekta, ki se izroči potrošniku.
23 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
The basis for the calculation of compensation should be the amount by which future trade prospects exceed the level of the quota.
Podlaga za izračun kompenzacije bi morala biti vrednost, za katero pričakovana trgovina presega raven kvote.
24 Objavljeno
The indications, application techniques, advantages and results of our five years prospective study are presented in this article.
V članku avtor prikazuje tehniko aplikacije in uporabe PšP ter rezultate petletne prospektivne študije.
25 Objavljeno
The article presents a short review of the leading molecular hypothese of Alzheimer's disease and current pharmacotherapeutic prospects.
V članku so na kratko predstavljene vodilne molekularne hipoteze Alzheimerjeve bolezni in pogledi na možnosti farmakoterapije.
26 Objavljeno
Reference individuals for our study were selected prospectively: we used blood samples obtained from them on periodic medical examinations.
Referenčne posameznike smo izbrali prospektivno - uporabili smo kri, ki je ostala po analizah ob rednih sistematskih pregledih.
27 Objavljeno
Large prospective trials of antibiotics active against C. pneumoniae in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease are being designed.
Mnogi raziskovalci usmerjajo svoje sile v obsežnejše prospektivne raziskave vloge antibiotičnega zdravljenja kronične okužbe s klamidijo na klinični potek in preprečevanje zapletov ateroskleroze.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
if the enforcement of the sanction in the other State is likely to improve the prospects for the social rehabilitation of the person sentenced;
če izvršitev sankcije v drugi državi utegne izboljšati možnosti resocializacije obsojenca;
29 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
a. ensure that such contractors or prospective contractors and their facilities have the capability to protect the classified information adequately;
a. zagotoviti, da izvajalci ali možni izvajalci in njihovi objekti izpolnjujejo pogoje za ustrezno varovanje tajnih podatkov;
30 Objavljeno
A prospective study was performed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of laparoscopic-assisted colorectal surgery for benign and malignant diseases.
V perspektivni raziskavi je bila ovrednotena varnost in učinkovitost laparoskopsko asistiranih operacij pri benignih in malignih boleznih širokega črevesa in danke.
31 Objavljeno
One hundred andfifteen patients without computer tomographyof the thorax in whom lung cancer had been suspected were included into the prospective study.
V prospektivno študijo smo vključili 115 bolnikov s sumom na pljučnega raka, ki niso imeli narejene računalniške tomografije prsnega koša.
32 Objavljeno
In a prospective study we tried to determine the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasound in distinuishing between benign, malignant and ovarian pseudotumors.
V prospektivni raziskavi smo skušali ugotoviti zanesljivost barvnega Dopplerjevega ultrazvoka pri razlikovanju med benignimi, nepravimi in malignimi tumorji jajčnikov.
33 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
Prior to release to either Party's contractors or prospective contractors of any classified information received from the other Party, the receiving Party shall:
Pogodbenica, ki od druge pogodbenice prejme tajne podatke, mora pred razkritjem teh podatkov izvajalcem ali možnim izvajalcem ene od pogodbenic:
34 Objavljeno
Results of a prospective open study of botulinum toxin A treatment in various movement disorders at Sitiraj Hospital, Mahidol University are presented and discussed.
Predstavljamo rezultate odprte prospektivne študije učinka botulina A pri različnih ekstrapiramidnih boleznih.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(5) All announcements for contracts for timeshare of residential properties shall indicate the possibility to obtain a prospectus and the place where it can be found.
(5) Pri vsakem oglaševanju sklepanja pogodb o časovnem zakupu stanovanjskih objektov je treba navesti, da je mogoče dobiti prospekt in kje ga je mogoče dobiti.
36 Objavljeno
Such treatment is currently used in many prospective clinical trials in breast cancer, germinal tumours, ovarian cancer, microcellular lung cancer, gliomas and ewing sarcoma.
Z velikimi odmerki citostatikov in avtologno presaditvijo krvotvornih matičnih celic zdravimo nekatere bolnice s karcinomom dojke in bolnike z germinalnimi tumorji, v majši meri pa bolnice s karcinomom jajčnikov, mikrocelularnim karcinomom pljuč, gliomom in Ewingovim sarkomom.
37 Objavljeno
The polyvalent syndrome described is based on a great deal of positive evidences from prospective and cross-sectional epidemiological studies performed during the last two decades.
Obstoj tega polivalentnega sindroma je podprt s številnimi izsledki prospektivnih in presečnih epidemioloških študij zadnjih dvajsetih let.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
The prospective members shall submit all appropriate documentation to prove that the necessary procedures or formalities required by the national law applicable to them have been respected.
Prihodnje članice predložijo ustrezne listine v dokaz, da spoštujejo vse potrebne postopke po veljavnem notranjem pravu.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(iii) a translation into the latter language has been transmitted by the applicant to the actual or prospective unauthorized user of the invention claimed in the international application, or
(III) ko prijavitelj pošlje prevod v ta drug jezik nepooblaščenemu, dejanskemu ali možnemu uporabniku izuma, ki je predmet mednarodne prijave; ali
40 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
9.3.2 When the amount of the anti dumping duty is assessed on a prospective basis, provision shall be made for a prompt refund, upon request, of any duty paid in excess of the margin of dumping.
9.3.2 Če se določi znesek protidumpinške carine vnaprej, je treba na zahtevo upoštevati možnost takojšnjega povračila vsakršne carine, ki se plača več, kot znaša stopnja dumpinga.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
e) concessions conferred by a competent State Authority, by law, by an administrative act or under a contract, including concessions for prospecting, research and exploitation of natural resources;
e) koncesije, vključno s koncesijami za iskanje, raziskovanje in izkoriščanje naravnih virov, ki jih z zakonom, upravnim aktom ali po pogodbi podeljuje pristojni državni organ;
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(e) rights conferred by law, either under a contract or an administrative act, by a competent state authority including concessions for prospecting, exploration and exploitation of natural resources.
e) pravice, vključno s koncesijami za iskanje, raziskovanje in izkoriščanje naravnih virov, ki jih z zakonom bodisi po pogodbi ali upravnem aktu podeljuje pristojni državni organ.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-82
f) any right, whether conferred by law or by an administrative act by a competent state authority or by contract, including concessions for prospecting, research and exploitation of natural resources.
f) s katero koli pravico, vključno s koncesijami za iskanje, raziskovanje in izkoriščanje naravnih virov, ki jih z zakonom ali upravnim aktom podeljuje pristojni državni organ ali ki se podelijo s pogodbo.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-40
e) concessions conferred by law, either under a contract or an administrative act, by a competent state authority including concessions for prospecting, research and exploitation of natural resources.
e) koncesije, vključno s koncesijami za iskanje, raziskovanje in izkoriščanje naravnih virov, ki jih z zakonom bodisi po pogodbi ali upravnem aktu podeljuje pristojni državni organ.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
A state on whose territory it is intended to set up the headquarters of an ECG may prohibit the registration or publication of notice of an ECG if one or more of its prospective members has limited liability.
Država, v kateri bo sedež ERZS, lahko ugovarja registraciji ali objavi obvestila o ustanovitvi ERZS, če je ena ali več prihodnjih članic omejeno odgovorna.
46 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 61-2008
Accession of an additional NATO member State shall be subject to such conditions of membership, consistent with this Charter, as the then existing member States of NAMO and the prospective member State agree.
Dodatna država članica Nata pristopi po pogojih za članstvo, skladnih s to ustanovno listino, o katerih se dogovorijo obstoječe države članice NAMO in prihodnje država članica.
47 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
3 The Secretary General of the Council of Europe may periodically enquire with Parties that have made one or more reservations as referred to in Article 42 as to the prospects for withdrawing such reservation(s).
3) Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope lahko pri pogodbenicah, ki so uveljavile enega ali več pridržkov po 42. členu, občasno poizveduje o možnostih za umik pridržka ali pridržkov.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
If the parties do not agree differently, the contents of the prospectus may only be changed before the contract is concluded, and only if this should be a result of circumstances beyond the enterprise` s control.
Če pogodbeni stranki ne skleneta drugačnega dogovora, se pred sklenitvijo pogodbe lahko spremeni vsebina prospekta le v primeru, ko to narekujejo okoliščine, na katere podjetje ni imelo vpliva.
49 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
2 The Secretary General of the Council of Europe may periodically enquire with Parties that have made one or more reservations in accordance with Article 12 as to the prospects for withdrawing such reservation(s).
2) Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope lahko pri pogodbenicah, ki so uveljavile enega ali več pridržkov po 12. členu, občasno poizveduje o možnostih za umik pridržka ali pridržkov.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(3) If the interested party holds permanent residence in one of the member states of the European Union or is a citizen of that country, that person may ask for a prospectus in the official language of that country.
(3) Če ima interesent stalno prebivališče v eni od držav članic Evropske unije ali je državljan te države, lahko zahteva prospekt v uradnem jeziku te države.
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