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1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje genskih bank ter postopna inventarizacija in karakterizacija genske raznolikosti v gozdnih ekosistemih;
the setting-up and maintenance of gene banks and gradual inventorying and characterisation of genetic diversity in forest ecosystems;
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Metoda, priporočena v ESR 95, za zajemanje vknjižb in črpanj zalog je metoda stalne inventarizacije.
The method recommended in the ESA 95 for recording stock entries and withdrawals is the perpetual inventory method.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Sezonski proizvodi (prim. 2.178 in 2.181) so proizvodi, za katere kvantitativna metoda ne predstavlja dobrega približka stalne inventarizacije zaradi neenakomernih sprememb cen in količin.
Seasonal products (cf. 2.178 and 2.181) are products for which the quantitative method does not constitute a good approximation of the perpetual inventory in view of the irregular change in prices and quantities.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Z uporabo metode stalne inventarizacije se lahko zelo natančno vrednoti vsak element investicij v osnovna sredstva, opredeljen v 2.149 (naravni prirast živine, uvoz, prodaja za zakol in izvoz, stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva).
By using the perpetual inventory method, each of the GFCF elements defined in 2.149 (natural growth of livestock, imports, sales for slaughter and exports, costs associated with the transfer of ownership) can be valued very strictly.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V poskusu uskladitve z metodo stalne inventarizacije ESR 95 priporoča "kvantitativna" metoda, ki obsega merjenje sprememb stanj kot razlike v obsegu med zalogami na začetku in na koncu obračunskega obdobja, vrednotenih po povprečnih cenah, ki veljajo v obravnavanem obdobju.
In an attempt to get into line with the perpetual inventory method, the ESA 95 recommends a "quantitative" method which consists in measuring changes in stocks as the difference in volume between the stocks at the opening and closing of the accounting period, valued at the average prices in force during the period concerned.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Če neposredne informacije o stanju osnovnih sredstev niso na voljo, se za oceno stanja osnovnih sredstev priporoča metoda stalne inventarizacije in da se ovrednoti njihova pridobitvena cena v referenčnem obdobju (se pravi, nadomestitvena vrednost sredstev v referenčnem letu in ne na podlagi dejanskih stroškov pridobitve).
If no information on the stock of fixed capital goods is available, it is recommended that it be calculated using the perpetual inventory method and that its acquisition price in the reference period be evaluated (i.e. the replacement value of the assets during the reference year, not on the basis of historic values).
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Metoda, priporočena v ESR 95, za zajemanje vknjižb in črpanj zalog je metoda stalne inventarizacije.
The method recommended in the ESA 95 for recording stock entries and withdrawals is the perpetual inventory method.
8 Pravna redakcija
Bruto koncept ni standardni koncept v ESR, vendar se lahko enostavno izračuna z metodo stalne inventarizacije (MSI).
This gross concept of fixed capital stock is not a standard concept in the ESA, but can easily be calculated with the aid of the Perpetual Inventory Method.
9 Pravna redakcija
Za prva so potrebni za izračun razmerij med kapitalom in proizvodnjo, razpoložljivi pa so, če se uporablja metoda stalne inventarizacije.
For the former, such data as are necessary for the calculation of capital output ratios are available if use is made of the perpetual inventory method.
10 Pravna redakcija
Na primer za ocenjevanje potrošnje kapitala se priporoča linearna amortizacija, za ocenjevanje stanja osnovnih sredstev pa metoda stalne inventarizacije.
For example, in defining capital consumption reference is made to linear depreciation and for estimating fixed capital stock the Perpetual Inventory Method is recommended.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Sezonski proizvodi (prim. 2.178 in 2.181) so proizvodi, za katere kvantitativna metoda ne predstavlja dobrega približka stalne inventarizacije zaradi neenakomernih sprememb cen in količin.
Seasonal products (cf. 2.178 and 2.181) are products for which the quantitative method does not constitute a good approximation of the perpetual inventory in view of the irregular change in prices and quantities.
12 Pravna redakcija
Metoda stalne inventarizacije (ki jo uporablja večina držav) že pomeni potrebo po izračunu stanja osnovnih sredstev v stalnih cenah za ocenjevanje potrošnje stalnega kapitala v tekočih cenah.
The perpetual inventory method, used by most countries, already implies, for the estimation of the consumption of fixed capital at current prices, the need to pass via a calculation of the stock of fixed capital goods at constant prices.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Z uporabo metode stalne inventarizacije se lahko zelo natančno vrednoti vsak element investicij v osnovna sredstva, opredeljen v 2.149 (naravni prirast živine, uvoz, prodaja za zakol in izvoz, stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva).
By using the perpetual inventory method, each of the GFCF elements defined in 2.149 (natural growth of livestock, imports, sales for slaughter and exports, costs associated with the transfer of ownership) can be valued very strictly.
14 Pravna redakcija
Če ni stalne inventarizacije stanja osnovnih sredstev, je spremembo potrošnje stalnega kapitala v stalnih cenah mogoče izračunati z deflacioniranjem podatkov v tekočih cenah z indeksi cen, dobljenimi iz podatkov o bruto investicijah v osnovna sredstva po proizvodih.
Where there is no perpetual inventory of the stock of fixed capital goods, the change in the consumption of fixed capital at constant prices can be obtained by deflating the current price data by price indices derived from data on gross fixed capital formation by product.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V poskusu uskladitve z metodo stalne inventarizacije ESR 95 priporoča "kvantitativna" metoda, ki obsega merjenje sprememb stanj kot razlike v obsegu med zalogami na začetku in na koncu obračunskega obdobja, vrednotenih po povprečnih cenah, ki veljajo v obravnavanem obdobju.
In an attempt to get into line with the perpetual inventory method, the ESA 95 recommends a 'quantitative' method which consists in measuring changes in stocks as the difference in volume between the stocks at the opening and closing of the accounting period, valued at the average prices in force during the period concerned.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Če neposredne informacije o stanju osnovnih sredstev niso na voljo, se za oceno stanja osnovnih sredstev priporoča metoda stalne inventarizacije in da se ovrednoti njihova pridobitvena cena v referenčnem obdobju (se pravi, nadomestitvena vrednost sredstev v referenčnem letu in ne na podlagi dejanskih stroškov pridobitve).
If no information on the stock of fixed capital goods is available, it is recommended that it be calculated using the perpetual inventory method and that its acquisition price in the reference period be evaluated (i.e. the replacement value of the assets during the reference year, not on the basis of historic values).
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V poskusu uskladitve z metodo stalne inventarizacije ESR 95 priporoča "kvantitativna" metoda, ki obsega merjenje sprememb stanj kot razlike v obsegu med zalogami na začetku in na koncu obračunskega obdobja, vrednotenih po povprečnih cenah, ki veljajo v obravnavanem obdobju.
In an attempt to get into line with the perpetual inventory method, the ESA 95 recommends a "quantitative" method which consists in measuring changes in stocks as the difference in volume between the stocks at the opening and closing of the accounting period, valued at the average prices in force during the period concerned.
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