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951 Končna redakcija
Vsaka dajatev z enakim učinkom kot carina pri uvozu v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Španijo se odpravi 1. marca 1986.
Any charge having equivalent effect to a customs duty on imports in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Spain shall be abolished on 1 March 1986.
952 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
V določenih državah je deklaracija za izvoz s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi edini zahtevani dokument za ponovni uvoz v enakem stanju.
In certain countries the declaration for exportation with notification of intended return is the only document required for reimportation in the same state.
953 Končna redakcija
Carine pri uvozu se med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Grčijo postopno odpravijo v skladu z datumi in po časovnem razporedu, določenem v členu 25.
Customs duties on imports shall be progressively abolished between the Community as at present constituted and Greece on the dates and following the timetable laid down in Article 25.
954 Končna redakcija
v celoti ali delno opusti carine iz točke 1 (a), (c) in (d), ki se uporabljajo za proizvode, uvožene iz Portugalske.
suspend in whole or in part the customs duties referred to in point 1 (a), (c) and (d) applicable to products imported from Portugal.
955 Končna redakcija
ker takšni pomisleki veljajo tudi za uvoz iz tretjih držav, v katerih se opravlja cepljenje proti takšnim boleznim;
whereas these considerations are also valid for importation from third countries in which vaccination against such diseases is carried out;
956 Končna redakcija
meso prihaja z ozemlja ali dela ozemlja države nečlanice, iz katere je uvoz prepovedan v skladu s členoma 14 in 27;
the meat comes from a territory or part of a territory of a non-member country from which imports are prohibited in accordance with Articles 14 and 27;
957 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Shema je opredeljena v odstavkih 4.1.1 do 4.1.7 Izvozne in uvozne politike in delih poglavja 4 Handbook of Procedures.
The scheme is specified in paragraphs 4.1.1 to 4.1.7 of the Export and Import Policy and parts of Chapter 4 of the Handbook of Procedures.
958 Končna redakcija
Helenska republika lahko delno ali v celoti začasno opusti zaračunavanje dajatev za izdelke, uvožene iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi.
The Hellenic Republic may suspend in whole or in part the levying of duties on products imported from the Community as at present constituted.
959 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Zato bi bilo treba vrednost vse uvožene živine (živina, uvrščena kot osnovno sredstvo ali zaloge, vendar razen tiste uvožene živine, ki je namenjena za neposreden zakol) odšteti od prodaje v izračunu proizvodnje.
This is why the value of all imported animals (animals classed as fixed assets or stocks, but with the exception of those imported animals for immediate slaughter) should be deducted from sales in the output calculation.
960 Končna redakcija
v uvodnem delu se besede "Takoj ko ta pogodba začne veljati Svet" nadomestijo s "Svet", beseda "postopno" pa se črta;
in the introductory part, the words 'As soon as this Treaty enters into force, the Council...` shall be replaced by 'The Council...` and the words 'by progressive stages` together with the commas preceding and following those words shall be deleted;
961 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
Carinski postopek, ki zagotavlja takšen dajatev prost uvoz in povračila, je postopek ponovnega uvoza v enakem stanju.
The customs procedure which provides for such duty-free importation and repayment is that of reimportation in the same state.
962 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
Tržni delež zadevnega uvoza je obsegal 3,8 % skupne porabe Skupnosti v OP prejšnjega pregleda zaradi izteka ukrepov.
The market share of the imports concerned accounted for 3,8 % of total Community consumption during the IP of the previous expiry review.
963 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Primerjava normalne vrednosti in izvozne cene, kot je navedeno v uvodni izjavi 19, je pokazala dampinško maržo 6.9 %.
The comparison of normal value and export price as indicated in recital 19 showed a dumping margin of 6,9 %.
964 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0838
Dobavitelji predložijo svoje vloge za uvozno dovoljenje pristojnim organom države članice, v kateri so registrirane.
Operators shall submit their import licence applications to the competent authorities of the Member State in which they are registered.
965 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0839
Da bi lahko uvozniki vložili zahtevke za izdajo dovoljenja v začetku maja 2004, mora ta uredba začeti veljati takoj,
In order that importers can lodge licence applications at the beginning of May 2004, this Regulation must enter into force immediately,
966 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, za katere se ob uvozu iz tretjih držav v Skupnost v prvotni sestavi plačujejo carine, se uporabljajo naslednje določbe:
The following provisions shall apply to products the importation of which from third countries into the Community as originally constituted is subject to customs duties:
967 Končna redakcija
Osnutek TSI pregledajo predstavniki držav članic v okviru odbora, ustanovljenega v skladu z Direktivo, upoštevajoč uvodno poročilo.
The draft TSI has been examined by the representatives of the Member States, in the framework of the Committee set up by the Directive, in the light of the introductory report.
968 Končna redakcija
Do izvajanja odločitev, predvidenih v členu 8(3) Direktive 90/675/EGS, mora uvoz potekati v skladu s členom 11(2) navedene direktive.
Pending implementation of the decisions provided for in Article 8 (3) of Directive 90/675/EEC, imports must take place in accordance with Article 11 (2) of that Directive.
969 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
V celoti gledano je zelo verjetno, da se bo uvoz s Kitajske v Skupnost po dampinških cenah znatno povečal, če bi ukrepe razveljavili.
In summary, it is highly probable that imports to the Community from China will resume in significant quantities and at dumped prices, should the measures be repealed.
970 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0593
Za zahtevke za uvozna dovoljenja za proizvode iz člena 1 se položi varščina v višini 20 EUR na 100 kg protivrednosti jajc v lupini.
A security of EUR 20 per 100 kilograms shell egg equivalent shall be lodged for import licence applications for all products referred to in Article 1.
971 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Če v katerem koli obdobju kategorija uvoznikov dodeljene količine ne izčrpa v celoti, se preostali del lahko dodeli drugi kategoriji.
If in any period the quantity allocated is not fully exhausted by one category of importers, the remainder may be allocated to the other category.
972 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
V takšnih pogojih, ko je bilo mogoče pričakovati, da bo uvoz sledili višini porabe in da se bodo cene ustalile, se je uvoz več kakor podvojil, cena uvoženega proizvoda in proizvoda proizvajalcev Skupnosti pa je padla.
Against such a background, whilst imports could have been expected to follow the consumption level and prices could have been expected to firm, imports more than doubled and the price of both the imported product and that produced by the Community producers fell.
973 Končna redakcija
ker lahko upravnenapake pristojnih nacionalnih organov v nekaterih primerih omejijo dostop uvoznikov do tega dela kvote;
whereas in certain cases administrative errors by the competent national body are liable to restrict the access of importers to that part of the quota;
974 Končna redakcija
Zlasti uvoznik podatkov naj ne posreduje osebnih podatkov tretji stranki, razen če je to v skladu z določenimi pogoji.
In particular the data importer should not disclose the personal data to a third party unless in accordance with certain conditions.
975 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
Nacionalna zakonodaja določa pogoje in carinske formalnosti, ki morajo biti izpolnjene za ponovni uvoz v enakem stanju.
National legislation shall specify the conditions to be fulfilled and the customs formalities to be accomplished for reimportation in the same state.
976 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Za določitev nelojalnega nižanja cen v obdobju preiskave je bila uporabljena metodologija, navedena v uvodni izjavi 48 začasne uredbe.
For the determination of price undercutting during the IP the methodology set out in recital 48 of the provisional Regulation was followed.
977 Končna redakcija
Če Komisija z odločbo ugotovi, da je bil uvoz nekega izdelka iz Prilog III in IV v Španijo dve leti zapored manjši od 90 % kvote, se uvoz tega izdelka iz sedanjih držav članic na začetku naslednjega leta liberalizira.
Where the Commission records by a Decision that imports into Spain of a product listed in Annexes III and IV have for two consecutive years been less than 90 % of the quota, imports of that product from the present Member States shall be liberalized as from the beginning of the year following those two years.
978 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Da bi ocenili, kakšno bi bilo lahko povečanje uvoza v EU–25 v zadnjih letih, je treba dodati uvozu v EU uvoz pristopnih držav iz držav zunaj EU–25.
In order to consider what would have been the likely increase in imports to the EU-25 in recent years, it is necessary to add imports the EU together with accession country imports from outside the EU-25.
979 Končna redakcija
V trgovini med Španijo in Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi kompenzacijske zneske obračuna država uvoznica ali jih dodeli država izvoznica.
In trade between Spain and the Community as at present constituted, compensatory amounts shall be levied by the importing State or granted by the exporting State.
980 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0395
V skladu s členom 13(4) osnovne uredbe se lahko uvoz izdelka v preiskavi oprosti prijave ali ukrepov, če pri uvozu ne gre za izogibanje.
In accordance with Article 13(4) of the basic Regulation, imports of the product under investigation may be exempted from registration or measures if the importation does not constitute circumvention.
981 Končna redakcija
Določbe te direktive se uporabljajo tudi za uvožene proizvode, predelane ali nepredelane, namenjene porabi v Skupnosti.
The provisions of this Directive shall also apply to imported products, whether or not processed, intended for consumption within the Community.
982 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
ime uvoznika oziroma uvozne organizacije in imeni lokalne upravne enote in države članice, v kateri je sedež uvoznika;
the name or business name of the importer and the names of the local administrative area and Member State in which the importer's head office is situated;
983 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
V državah pristopnicah ni proizvodnje zadevnega proizvoda, in kakor že omenjeno, je razvoj uvoza v EU–25 potekal na podoben način kakor uvoz v EU–15.
There is no production of the product concerned in the accession countries, and as noted above, imports to the EU-25 developed in a similar way to imports to the EU-15.
984 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
Ta dejavnik je v skladu z zaposlovanjem in številkami o proizvodnji, ki so bile navedene že v uvodnih izjavah 150 in 158 začasne uredbe.
This factor is in line with employment and production figures which were already mentioned at recitals 150 and 158 of the Provisional Regulation.
985 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Država članica sprejme vse ustrezne ukrepe v zvezi s spremljanjem uvoza in uporabo takega imunološkega zdravila.";
Member States shall take all appropriate measures concerning the supervision of the importation and the use of such immunological products.";
986 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0414
je "primarni uvoz" gospodarska operacija, opredeljena v prvem pododstavku člena 3(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 896/2001;
"primary import" means the economic operation defined in the first subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 896/2001;
987 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0414
je "primarni uvoz" gospodarska operacija, opredeljena v prvem pododstavku člena 3(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 896/2001;
"primary import" means the economic operation defined in the first subparagraph of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 896/2001;
988 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
Kar zadeva izvoz v Skupnost, je sodelujoči proizvajalec izvoznik v LRK večinoma prodajal povezani družbi v Skupnosti, ki je uvoženi silicij predelovala naprej v silikone.
As regards the exports to the Community, most sales by the cooperating exporting producer in the PRC were sales to a related company in the Community which further processed the imported silicon into silicones.
989 Končna redakcija
Če je uvoz v Španijo v dveh zaporednih letih nižji od 90 % odprte letne kvote, Kraljevina Španija odpravi veljavne količinske omejitve.
Where imports into Spain during two consecutive years are less than 90 % of the annual quota opened, the Kingdom of Spain shall abolish the quantitative restrictions in force.
990 Končna redakcija
biti sestavljeni v najmanj enem od uradnih jezikov namembne države in v enem od uradnih jezikov države, v kateri se opravljajo uvozni pregledi, določeni v členih 23 in 24;
be drawn up at least in one of the official languages of the country of destination and in one of those of the country in which the import inspections provided for in Articles 23 and 24 are carried out;
991 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Obseg uvoza bombažnega posteljnega perila iz Pakistana v Skupnost se je povečal s 36 000 ton v letu 1999 na 49 300 ton v obdobju preiskave, to je za 37 % v zadevnem obdobju.
Imports of cotton-type bed linen from Pakistan into the Community increased in volume from 36000 tonnes in 1999 to 49300 tonnes in the IP, i.e. by 37 % over the period considered.
992 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
` uvozne dajatve` pomenijo carine, dajatve z enakovrednim učinkom in druge uvozne dajatve, določene v okviru skupne kmetijske politike ali v okviru posebnih trgovinskih dogovorov za določeno blago, ki nastane s predelavo kmetijskih proizvodov;
"import duties" means customs duties, charges having equivalent effect and other import charges provided for under the common agricultural policy or under specific trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products;
993 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0023
V nujnem primeru lahko odobri uvoz ali izvoz določenih tkiv in celic iz člena 6(5) neposredno pristojni organ ali organi.
In case of emergency, the import or export of certain tissues and cells may be authorised directly by the competent authority or authorities.
994 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Poleg tega je treba tudi ugotoviti, da se je v prvih devetih mesecih leta 2003 obseg uvoza povečal za več kot 11 % letno.
It is also worth noting additionally that in the first nine months of 2003 import volumes have increased by more than 11 % on a year-on-year basis.
995 Končna redakcija
Takšne kvote so dostopne vsem uvoznikom v Grčiji, izdelki, uvoženi v okviru omenjenih kvot, pa v Grčiji ne smejo biti predmet izključnih pravic trženja.
Such quotas shall be accessible to all importers in Greece and products imported under the said quotas may not be made subject in Greece to exclusive marketing rights.
996 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Glede razvoja prodaje v industriji Skupnosti je v uvodni izjavi 62 obrazloženo, da se je v obdobju, ko se je poraba povečala za 50 %, povečala samo za 1 %.
As regards the evolution of the sales of the Community industry, recital 62 explained that they increased by only 1 % during a period when consumption increased by 50 %.
997 Končna redakcija
Carine pri uvozu blaga v države ali na ozemlja iz držav članic ali drugih držav ali ozemelj se prepovejo v skladu z določbami člena 25.
Customs duties on imports into each country or territory from Member States or from the other countries or territories shall be prohibited in accordance with the provisions of Article 25.
998 Končna redakcija
V trgovini med Portugalsko in Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi kompenzacijske zneske obračuna država uvoznica ali jih dodeli država izvoznica.
In trade between Portugal and the Community as at present constituted, compensatory amounts shall be levied by the importing State or granted by the exporting State.
999 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
Kakor je razloženo v uvodni določbi 8, je SES ugotovilo, da Svet ni izpolnil pogojev obvezne navedbe razlogov, saj je v uvodni določbi 19, peti odstavek izpodbijane uredbe, samo navedel, da so bile kompenzacijske prodaje opravljene v običajnem poteku trgovanja.
As explained in recital 8, the ECJ found that the Council did not satisfy the requirements of the obligation to state reasons when in recital 19, fifth paragraph of the contested Regulation, it merely stated that sales made using compensation were made in the ordinary course of trade.
1000 Končna redakcija
V tem protokolu in v njegovi Prilogi so posebne določbe, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz določenih rib in ribiških proizvodov, s poreklom z Islandije, v Skupnost.
The special provisions applicable to imports into the Community of certain fish and fishery products originating in Iceland are laid down in this Protocol and the Annex hereto.
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