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safety culture
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
(c) The state of human health and safety, conditions of human life, cultural sites and built structures, inasmuch as they are or may be affected by the state of the elements of the environment or, through these elements, by the factors, activities or measures referred to in subparagraph (b) above;
c) o zdravstvenem stanju in varnosti ljudi, življenjskih razmerah ljudi, stanju kulturnih znamenitosti in objektov, če nanje vpliva ali bi lahko vplivalo stanje elementov okolja ali s temi elementi povezani dejavniki, dejavnosti ali ukrepi iz pododstavka b);
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
With regard to the reconstruction of works in public use that are protected in accordance with regulations on cultural heritage, the essential requirements attained for the works may differ from those prescribed, but only under the condition that the deviation is not such that because of it there would be a threat to the safety of the works, to the lives and health of people, to traffic, to neighbouring works or to the environment.
(3) Pri rekonstrukcijah objektov v javni rabi, ki so zavarovani v skladu s predpisi o kulturni dediščini, se dosežene bistvene zahteve objekta lahko razlikujejo od sicer predpisanih, vendar samo pod pogojem, da odstopanje ni takšno, da bi bila zaradi njega ogrožena varnost objekta, življenje in zdravje ljudi, promet, sosednji objekti ali okolje.
3 Pravna redakcija
(iv) desiring to promote an effective nuclear safety culture;
(v) v želji pospeševati učinkovito kulturo jedrske varnosti;
4 Pravna redakcija
specialised training with the emphasis on the nuclear expertise and the nuclear safety culture in the European Union,
specializirano izobraževanje s poudarkom na jedrskem strokovnem znanju in izkušnjah ter kulturi jedrske varnosti v Evropski uniji,
5 Pravna redakcija
Development of a common safety culture in Central & Eastern European Countries is a further area for JRC support; this includes operational safety measures and plant upgrading, structural integrity, accident prevention and management.
Razvoj skupne varnostne kulture v srednje-in vzhodnoevropskih državah je še eno področje, ki ga bo SRS podpiralo, to pa vključuje ukrepe za varnost obratovanja in nadgradnjo elektrarn, strukturno integriteto, preprečevanje nesreč ter obvladovanje le-teh.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0099
(a) Supporting the promotion of an effective nuclear safety culture in line with the principles of the Convention on nuclear safety, in particular through continuous support for regulatory bodies and, at the plant level, through on site- assistance, including equipment supplies, where such assistance is most needed;
(a) podpora spodbujanju učinkovite kulture jedrske varnosti v skladu z načeli Konvencije o jedrski varnosti, zlasti s stalno podporo upravnih organov, in na ravni obratov s pomočjo na kraju samem, vključno z dobavo opreme, kjer je taka pomoč najbolj potrebna;
7 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in respect of improvements to nuclear satisfy in central and eastern Europe and the CIS, there is a need for a coherent strategy taking a long-term approach and taking into account the technological factors, safety 'culture' and practices and the overall energy balance of each country involved;
ker je v zvezi z izboljšavami jedrske varnosti v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi ter ZND potrebna skladna in dolgoročna strategija ob upoštevanju tehnoloških dejavnikov, varnostne "kulture" ter običajnih postopkov in tudi celotne energetske bilance vsake zainteresirane države;
8 Pravna redakcija
Such effects on the environment include effects on human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interaction among these factors; they also include effects on the cultural heritage or socio-economic conditions resulting from alterations to those factors;
Takšni vplivi na okolje vključujejo vplive na človekovo zdravje in varnost, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, tla, zrak, vodo, podnebje, pokrajino in zgodovinske spomenike ali druge fizične strukture oziroma medsebojno vplivanje med temi dejavniki; vključujejo pa tudi vplive na kulturno dediščino ali socialno-ekonomske okoliščine, ki so posledica sprememb teh dejavnikov;
9 Pravna redakcija
This is bound up with the fact that very often they arise on a European scale (as the example of food safety problems shows), with the importance of being able to benefit from the often complementary experience and knowledge required in the different countries and with the need to take into account the variety of views on them, which reflects European cultural diversity.
To je povezano z dejstvom, da se zelo pogosto pojavijo v evropskem merilu (kot nam kaže primer problemov v zvezi z varnostjo živil) in da je pomembno, da se lahko izkoristijo pogosto komplementarne izkušnje in potrebno znanje v različnih državah ter da se upošteva cela paleta pogledov nanje, kar kaže na evropsko kulturno raznolikost.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0838
Development of a common safety culture in Central & Eastern European Countries is a further area for JRC support;
Razvoj skupne varnostne kulture v srednje- in vzhodnoevropskih državah je še eno področje, ki ga bo SRS podpiralo,
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0438
166 Services in voluntary/third sector (providing care for dependants, health and safety, cultural activities)
166 Storitve v socialnem gospodarstvu/terciarnem sektorju (skrb za vzdrževane osebe, zdravje in varnost, kulturne dejavnosti)
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0004
the state of human health and safety, including the contamination of the food chain, where relevant, conditions of human life, cultural sites and built structures inasmuch as they are or may be affected by the state of the elements of the environment referred to in (a) or, through those elements, by any of the matters referred to in (b) and (c).
o zdravstvenem stanju in varnosti ljudi, vključno s kontaminacijo prehrambne verige, če je to pomembno, življenjskih razmer ljudi, kulturnimi znamenitostmi in objekti, če nanje vpliva ali bi lahko vplivalo stanje elementov okolja, navedenih pod (b) in (c).
13 Prevajalska redakcija
No provision in this Convention shall preclude the application of the prohibitions or restrictions relating to importation, exportation, or transit, imposed for reasons of public order, and in particular public safety, morality, and health, or for the protection of the environment, of cultural heritage or industrial, commercial and intellectual property.
Nobena določba te konvencije ne izključuje uporabe prepovedi oziroma omejitev, ki se nanašajo na uvoz, izvoz oziroma tranzit, določene zaradi javnega reda in predvsem zaradi javne varnosti, morale in zdravja oziroma zaradi varovanja okolja, kulturne dediščine oziroma industrijske, trgovinske in intelektualne lastnine.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0676
facilitate policy making with regard to the strategic planning and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in the Community taking into consideration inter alia economic, safety, health, public interest, freedom of expression, cultural, scientific, social and technical aspects of Community policies as well as the various interests of radio spectrum user communities with the aim of optimising the use of radio spectrum and of avoiding harmful interference;
lajšanje oblikovanja politike o strateškem načrtovanju in usklajevanju uporabe radijskega spektra v Skupnosti, pri čemer se med drugim upoštevajo gospodarski, varnostni, zdravstveni vidiki, javni interes, svoboda izražanja, kulturni, znanstveni, socialni in tehnični vidiki politike Skupnosti pa tudi različni interesi skupnosti uporabnikov radijskega spektra, da bi se optimizirala uporaba radijskega spektra in preprečile škodljive motnje;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0004
The definition of environmental information should be clarified so as to encompass information in any form on the state of the environment, on factors, measures or activities affecting or likely to affect the environment or designed to protect it, on cost-benefit and economic analyses used within the framework of such measures or activities and also information on the state of human health and safety, including the contamination of the food chain, conditions of human life, cultural sites and built structures in as much as they are, or may be, affected by any of those matters.
Pojasniti je treba opredelitev informacij o okolju, tako da bo zajemala vse oblike informacij o stanju okolja, dejavnikih, ukrepih ali dejavnostih, ki vplivajo ali bi lahko vplivale na okolje ali so namenjene njegovemu varstvu, o analizah stroškov in koristi ter ekonomskih analizah, ki se uporabljajo v okviru teh ukrepov ali dejavnosti, ter tudi informacije o stanju zdravja in varnosti ljudi, vključno s kontaminacijo prehrambne verige, razmerami življenja ljudi, kulturnimi znamenitostmi in objekti, če nanje vpliva ali bi lahko vplivala katera koli od teh zadev.
16 Prevod
desiring to promote an effective nuclear safety culture;
želijo pospeševati učinkovito kulturo jedrske varnosti;
17 Prevod
CELEX: 32000R0099
Supporting the promotion of an effective nuclear safety culture in line with the principles of the Convention on nuclear safety, in particular through continuous support for regulatory bodies and, at the plant level, through on site-assistance, including equipment supplies, where such assistance is most needed;
podpora spodbujanja učinkovite kulture jedrske varnosti v skladu z načeli Konvencije o jedrski varnosti, zlasti s stalno podporo upravnih organov, in na ravni obratov s pomočjo na kraju samem, vključno z dobavo opreme, kjer je taka pomoč najbolj potrebna;
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safety culture