Iskalni niz je predolg.
c.i.f. price
1enc.i.f. priceekonomija
Zadnja sprememba: 2004-12-08
  • en
    Definicija: The CIF price is the price at which imported products are recorded in the foreign trade statistics; it covers the foreign producers' price, trade margins, and the costs of insurance and transport from the place of production to the border of the importing country
    Vir definicije: Eurodicautom
    Vir - besedilo: 31968R0784 Regulation (EEC) No 784/68 of the Commission of 26 June 1968 laying down detailed rules for calculating c.i.f. prices for white sugar and raw sugar, Title
    Vir - besedilo: 31968R0784 Regulation (EEC) No 784/68 of the Commission of 26 June 1968 laying down detailed rules for calculating c.i.f. prices for white sugar and raw sugar, Title
  • sl
    Vir - besedilo: 31968R0784 Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 784/68 z dne 26. junija 1968 o podrobnih pravilih za izračunavanje cen CIF za beli in surovi sladkor, naslov
    Vir - ustanova: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano
c.i.f. price