Iskalni niz je predolg.
system of administrative control
1ensystem of administrative controladministracija
Zadnja sprememba: 2009-09-28
  • en
    Vir - besedilo: 21995A0506(01) Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of China on trade in textile products not covered by the MFA bilateral Agreement on trade in textile products initialled on 9 December 1988 as extended and modified by the exchange of letters initialled on 8 Decembre 1992 - Protocol A - Protocol B - Protocol of Understanding concerning the implementation of Article 12 of the Agreement - Agreed Minute
  • sl
    Vir - besedilo: 21995A0506(01) Sporazum med Evropsko skupnostjo in Ljudsko republiko Kitajsko o trgovini s tekstilom, ki je ne ureja dvostranski sporazum o trgovini s tekstilom sklenjen na podlagi MFA , parafiran 9. decembra 1988, podaljšan in spremenjen z izmenjavo pisem, parafirano 8. decembra 1992
2enadministrative system of controladministracija
Zadnja sprememba: 2009-09-28
  • en
    Vir - besedilo: 21995A0506(01) Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of China on trade in textile products not covered by the MFA bilateral Agreement on trade in textile products initialled on 9 December 1988 as extended and modified by the exchange of letters initialled on 8 Decembre 1992 - Protocol A - Protocol B - Protocol of Understanding concerning the implementation of Article 12 of the Agreement - Agreed Minute
    Sobesedilo: Imports into the Community of textile products covered by this Agreement shall not be subject to the quantitative limits established in Annex II provided that they are declared to be for re-export outside the Community in the same state or after processing, within the framework of the administrative system of control which exists within the Community.
  • sl
    Vir - besedilo: 21995A0506(01) SPORAZUM med Evropsko skupnostjo in Ljudsko republiko Kitajsko o trgovini s tekstilom, ki je ne ureja dvostranski sporazum o trgovini s tekstilom sklenjen na podlagi MFA , parafiran 9. decembra 1988, podaljšan in spremenjen z izmenjavo pisem, parafirano 8. decembra 1992
    Sobesedilo: Za uvoz tekstila iz tega sporazuma v Skupnost ne veljajo količinske omejitve, določene v prilogi II, če so ti izdelki v okviru upravnega sistema nadzora, ki obstaja v Skupnosti, deklarirani za ponovni izvoz iz Skupnosti v enakem stanju ali po oplemenitenju.
3enCouncil Regulation (EC) No 2466/96 of 17 December 1996 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92 establishing an integrated administrative and control system for certain Community aid schemeskmetijstvo
Zadnja sprememba: 2005-12-06
Projekt: prevodi naslovov pravnih aktov ES
system of administrative control