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cut card
1encut cardturizem
Zadnja sprememba: 2012-09-07
  • en
    Definicija: a plastic card that is the exact same shape and size of the playing cards that is used to cut a deck of cards. When the cut card appears, it signifies the last round of play. The cut card causes the dealer to shuffle after an approximate number of cards are dealt, instead of shuffling after a specific number of rounds. Using a cut card favours the house in terms of expectation. It affects both Counters and Non–Counters, irrespective of their betting strategies. A player who plays a game with a fixed number of rounds will do better than if he/she plays in the same game but with a Cut Card instead
  • it
    Definicija: carta nera che annuncia la giocata dell’ultimo colpo. Quando appare la mascherina il mazziere scozza le carte nuovamente, il che lo aiuta a scozzare dopo un determinato numero di carte e non dopo un deteriminato numero di colpi. L'utilizzo della mascherina aiuta il casino a combattere i giocatori che contano le carte.
    Glejte tudi:IATE
  • sl
    Definicija: plastična karta, enake oblike in velikosti kot igralne karte, ki najavlja zadnji krog igre. Pomeni, da lahko delilec karte meša po določenem številu podeljenih kart namesto po določenem številu odigranih iger. Tako se igralnice zavarujejo pred igralci, ki štejejo karte.
    Vir - besedilo: Janja Milost: Glosar iger na srečo, Diplomsko delo, FF UL, Ljubljana, 2008
2encut from the carcaseveterina
Zadnja sprememba: 2007-04-24
cut card