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izračun izida iz rednega delovanja
1slizračun izida iz rednega delovanjazavarovanje AS
Zadnja sprememba: 2023-08-04
zavarovanje AS
  • en
    Definicija: For the profit and loss account, the Directive (on the annual and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings) has also retained only one format, the vertical one, in order to make comparisons more easy. The profit and loss account is divided into two parts, namely a so-called technical account, reflecting the results of insurance activities in the narrower sense, and a so-called non-technical account. Furthermore, in the case of those undertakings which carry on both non-life and life insurance, separate technical accounts are in principle required for the two categories. In addition, there are important differences in the content of the non-life and life technical accounts.
    Vir - besedilo: White Paper, Annex: p.322
izračun izida iz rednega delovanja